Marilo Nuñez

Pronouns: She/Her

Marilo Nuñez is a Chilean Canadian playwright and director. She was the 2018 recipient of the Hamilton Arts Awards for Established Theatre Artist and was recently nominated for the Johanna Metcalf Performing Arts Prize. Her play Huinca was commissioned by Milagro Theatre in Portland, OR premiered January 2020 and will tour the USA in 2020-21. Currently a member of Natural Resources, Factory Theatre’s playwright’s unit for established writers, she was Playwright-in-Residence at Aluna Theatre in 2016 and was McMaster University’s first Playwright-in-Residence in 2018. She was founding Artistic Director of Alameda Theatre Company, a company dedicated to developing the new work of Latinx Canadian playwrights. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from University of Guelph and is currently obtaining her Ph D. in Theatre & Performance Studies at York University.

Twitter: @marilonunez99


Yvette Nolan


Jivesh Parasram